Call Us Today: 209.617.9508

Please note, all donations are Federal Tax deductible

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Thank you for your donation and support. Your donation will help someone's dream of becoming a homeowner come true.

We take your privacy and security seriously, for that reason, we have hired a professional Credit Card Payment company to handle all Credit Card donations. Please call Credit Processing at 1-800-111-2222. Please provide them with Leap Ahead Customer Number (11111111).

Please make sure you provide our Customer Number (1111111) to get your Federal tax deduction.

Thank you for your donation and support. Your donation will help someone's dream of becoming a homeowner come true.

To make a Check donation:

* Make check payable to - Leap Ahead

* Mail check to - 1401 21st Street Suite R
Sacramento , CA 95811

* You can also call 1-888-532-7243 to make your donation

Thank you for your donation and support. Your donation will help someone's dream of becoming a homeowner come true.

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